Friday 21 June 2013

Cherry Lambrini & Mascara

Lambrini & Mascara
Cherry Lambrini, Mascara & Mirror
I received a voucher to buy a free bottle of Lambrini of my choice along with a Lambrini Mascara and a hairbrush with a mirror in return for a review.

I have recently tried this new Cherry Lambrini drink and in my opinion, the Cherry Lambrini  is a well packaged drink and come in many different great, refreshing flavours. The cherry flavour leaves a nice aftertaste in your mouth. It is not expensive in my opinion. It is £2.99 for a 75Cl for the cherry flavour and £1.99 for 75Cl of Bianco flavour. The hairbrush with a mirror is pocket sized and is easy to carry around with you or pop it into your handbag when traveling. It is pink which means it is easier to spot quickly when you are looking for it.

For the Lambrini brand overall i have to say there is not many variety's of flavours and they should think about extending this as the flavors they have produced so far are incredible. For the Lambrini mascara, i have to say in my opinion was not very great. I tried this on for the first time and i have to say the brush is huge so it makes me think alot of mascara is going to go on to my eyelash but as i applied it hardly nothing came on to my eyelashes and it looked as if i was not wearing any and i just went back to my normal brand. The only thing i can say it did was darken my eyelashes a tiny bit. The contents inside the container felt as if there was hardly no mascara inside it. For this reason i recommend people to stick to the brand they are using as this one is not so great.

The bottle of Lambrini was well packaged and the colours were of a great contrast. The font was clear and easy to read also with no problems whatsoever. If the bottle was to be dropped there is a possibility it will break so be very careful when handling this product. The Lambrini mascara comes in a nice tube and the font and colours are clear and easy to read. All products in my opinion should be kept away from children as it can be very harmful for them if drunk.

Overall Rating:
I rate the following products (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest)
Lambrini Brand: 8/10
Cherry Lambrini: 9/10
Lambrini Mascara: 2/10
Lambrini Hairbrush & Mirror: 9/10
I recommend the Cherry Lambrini to anyone who is willing to try something new!

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